Programs & Net Groups
C25k - Couch to 5K
W1D1 - Week 1 Day 1
DM - Daily Mile
PR - Personal Record
PB - Personal Best
DNF – Did Not Finish
DNS – Did Not Start
DAL - Dead Ass Last
PV - Personal Victory
VO2 Max - The highest rate at which oxygen can be taken up and utilized during exercise by a person.
LSD – Long Slow Distance
XT - Cross Train
CD: Cool Down
MHR – Maximum Heart Rate
SI - Speed Intervals
MPW - Miles Per Week
HR - Heart Rate
AHR - Average Heart Rate
LR - Long Run
TR - Tempo Run
MPD - Miles Per Day
Odark30 - Very early in the morning.
VRP - Virtual Running Partner
AG – Age Group
RR – Race Report
RNR - Rock'n'Roll Marathon
VFF - Vibram Five Fingers (shoe with toes)
NB - New Balance
HRM – Heart Rate Monitor
GPS – Global Positioning System
GF - Garmin Forerunner
RW - Runners' World magazine
TM - Treadmill
RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation
ACL - anterior cruciate ligament
ITBS - Iliotibial Band Syndrome
PF – Plantar Fasciitis
HF - Hip Flexor
BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate
BPM - Beats per Minute
RHR - Resting Heart Rate
DOMS - Delayed onset muscle soreness
NRF - non-running friend
RC - Running Club