Thursday, March 4, 2010

W4D2 - The Birthday Run

Yeah, it's my birthday.
I gotta say... I did think, "Maybe I won't run today, after all, it's my birthday!" But, no...I must So I did, I told myself I'd just take it easy and do what I felt like doing. No stressing about numbers, no being upset that I didn't do better. No messy head games, just run when it say run and walk when it tells me to walk. Isn't it funny how messed up we can make even the simplest things when we let our minds get in the way!
I got on the treadmill and started giving it the ole' It was a great looking day out today. I probably should have ran outside. But, with all the melting snow and run's like a mud bog on our roads. The sunshine and blues skies did give me a heaping helping of Spring fever though, DANG!! I sure do miss summer morning runs.
The run itself went alright. The first set of 5 minutes and 3 minutes went great I felt good. That last 5 minutes really got me though. I had about 2 minutes left in me by that time. So after that, I had to slow it down for about a minute and then speed back up again for the last 2 minutes. But, I kept running. I was doing my walking at 3.0Mph and my running at 4.2MPH. Nice and easy for the b-day

The nitty gritty details:

Distance: 2.12 miles
Time: 33:13
Pace: 15:38

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